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Главная » 2012 » Март » 8 » iMesh Portable
iMesh Portable

iMesh - это сервис загрузки музыки, а также качественных видеофайлов с пиринговых сетей. iMesh позволяет вам искать и скачивать миллионы первоклассных MP3 файлов и сочетает мощную систему распределения файлов с простым в использовании интерфейсом. iMesh разработан, используя последние пиринговые технологии, которые гарантируют вам быстрое и надежное подключение по пиринговым сетям, отличный возможный диапазон поисковых результатов и очень быстрые закачки с различных источников.

iMesh is a download service for music, and also for quality video files, used across the world by music fans however advanced or novice at file sharing. Something you’ll definitely love in iMesh is its ability to classify searches and ease up your search by enabling specific fields for title, artist, album, track number, genre, year, length, etc. You can pause and resume downloads at wish and also download from multiple hosts to increase file transfer speed. With iMesh almost everything you might want is now at hand.

Download MP3 files from P2P file sharing networks. iMesh allow you to search and download millions of first-class MP3 files and combines a powerful file sharing engine with a easy to use interface. iMesh is designed using latest P2P technology to guarantee a fast and reliable connection to peer-to-peer networks, the greatest possible range of search results, and very fast multi-source downloads.

Downloading and installing
Downloading with Imesh MP3 Downloader is a snap. It should take you about several seconds to get the first results of what you’re looking for. To run the program you don't need to have any additional software.

In terms of functionality iMesh knows to deliver - the user interface is simple but not dull; Uncluttered screens displaying relevant data. One of the most appreciated features of the software is that it allows you to drill into your search results to single out a particular artist, album, etc (This feature lacks in many p2p clients). Typed in your search terms and having clicked on the search button, the field changes automatically to filter the upcoming results. The feature is very useful and it immediately offers a range of opportunities to filter the results.

The search is so user-friendly that anybody can use it; the best part of searching is that you can run a large number of searches in parallel. Once a file is located it is easy to choose it for download by double-clicking on it or hitting the download button. A window below the Search result window opens showing the progress of your downloads. Moreover, transferring files from your P2P buddies is purely excellent. You’ll be able to get a number of relatively obscure tracks in a very short time.

This product is one of the best viable software out there for MP3 sharing and also good for sharing applications. Because it is written in Java it supports any Operating System where java can be installed. That includes Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Unix and Solaris.
This software is FREE of ADWARE, SPYWARE or any type of MALWARE!

Информация о программе:
Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista/Seven
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Год выпуска: 2012
Активация: free
Размер: 13.75 Mb
Формат файла: Rar
Информация для восстановления: 5%
Архив не запаролен

СКАЧАТЬ / iMesh Portable



Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 110 | Добавил: ucozposter2172 | Теги: Программа, Soft, Portable, загрузчик, качалка, закачка | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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